Patient Authorities

If a patient has an authority for a monitored medicine, you can view the authority details in ScriptCheckWA.



The sections and fields that are displayed change depending on the Authority Type and on the specific data included in the authority. This example shows an authority of the type Stimulant notification.

Refer to the table below for a description of each section of an authority.



The high-level details of the authority; including its status, type, and relevant dates.

Primary Prescriber

The name and contact details of the prescriber to whom the authority was issued.

Co-PrescribersDisplays a grid containing the details of any other prescribers who are allowed to prescribe on this authority.


The name and contact details of the patient for whom the authority was issued.

The patient's address details on the authority may not match their address as recorded in ScriptCheckWA.


Each of the drugs recorded on the authority, along with its presentation, start dose, and frequency.

Additional conditions applying to this authorityDisplays information about any conditions that have been attached to this authority.


A link to any correspondence documents related to the authority.

This section is only displayed if you are the prescriber to whom the permit was issued.

View a patient's authorities

  1. First, Search for and Select a Patient.
  2. If the patient has any authorities, they will be displayed in a grid in the Authorities section.

    If the patient doesn't have any Authorities, the Authorities grid displays the message There are no authorities for this patient.

    See below for a description of the fields in the Authorities grid.


Authority Type

The type of authority.

Primary PrescriberThe name of the prescriber named in the authority.
SiteThe address of the clinic named in the authority.
Co-PrescriberThe names of any other prescribers included on this authority.

The current status of the authority. For example:

  • Active
  • Expired
  • Pending
  • Rejected
Start DateThe treatment start date of the authority.
Expiry DateThe expiry date of the authority.
Last UpdatedThe date at which the authorityin ScriptCheckWAwas last updated.


Any medicines specified in the authority.
ConditionsThe number of conditions that are attached to each authority in the grid.

You can only see items of correspondence that are addressed to you.

Click to expand this row and show the items of correspondence associated with this permit. Then, click an item of correspondence to view it as a PDF file.

View a specific authority

From the patient's profile, in the Authorities section:

  1. Click on an authority in the Authorities grid to open it.

    The patient's authority displayed and is read-only.

  2. To return to the patient's profile, click Patient Details in the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.


Patient risk flags

If this section is displayed, it shows information about the patient as reported to the WA Health Department by health practitioners.

The types of patient risk flags that may be displayed are:

  • Drug-dependent person
  • Oversupplied Person
  • Stimulant-induced psychosis
  • Deceased
  • Extreme risk

Patient risk flag indicator on Medication History record

If the patient has both a regulatory profile and a medication history record, then when you view the patient's Medication History record, the Patient Profile button displays in red and includes a number that represents the number of risk flags associated with the patient.

Click Patient Profile to open the profile and view the flag(s).